Listening with You-Where My Ears Belong (2024)
ここ数年のわたしは、自分のからだや近しい人のこころやからだについて思いをめぐらせることが 多かった。
In recent years, I have spent much time reflecting on my own body and the minds and bodies of those close to me.
I have previously drawn people’s faces and bodies based on records and images, but “ears” were never a focus of interest for me.
One day, I realised something: my ears are only visible to others. In this way, they are much like my back.
Even when I pull at my ears in the mirror or see them in a photo, it isn’t truly what I’m seeing. Only the person beside me, looking at me now, can see my ears.
At the same time, I began thinking about ears as organs: the place where we receive and listen to someone’s voice.
The ears of mine that only you can see—am I truly able to “hear” through them?
In this in-between space, I created a video with my partner, capturing the process of making ears as he sees them.
In this mostly improvised exchange, I began by asking, “What shape do my ears have?” This led to conversations about “voices,” “listening,” and “receiving words.” Gradually, the abstract presence of my ears began to emerge.
This work explores listening and receiving, intimacy and distance, the vast challenge of understanding another’s mind and body. It also incorporates scattered images—words and memory, Helen Keller and Miss Sullivan, how much of Van Gogh’s ear was actually cut off—and it expands into an installation.
The ears that emerged are those made by you and me together
They are crafted from light clay, almost as if suspended in mid-air, yet they undeniably hold our “voices” within..